Cancer and Disease Prevention Using Red and NIR Therapies

Cancer, Disease and the Human Body 

The human body is one of absolute wonder and the journey feels like it's only just got started. Luckily, science is making some incredible breakthroughs in understanding the human function yet cancer and disease are present and effect most of us someway in our life times. Before eradiation, the answer may sit with prevention. By preventing  the occurrence, the unwanted event can't appear. Easy? Simple? Let's see...

Starting with Life Itself

Over thirty seven trillion cells, each with thriving Mitochondria or the power houses of the body that enable us to do everything we do, even the breath you've just taken.

So, what does this have to do with cancer and disease prevention?

Environments or conditions manifest into result, wanted or unwanted. In an optimal condition, chemical oxidation of glucose to carbon dioxide in the Mitochondria occurs. If the function is working properly, cells are suggested to be protected. And when they're not, mitochondria is in dysfunction, and this is where the problems start to happen.

Getting into the science

The enzyme cytochrome c oxidase is crucial for oxygen use by cells due to oxygen utilisation in the metabolism process known as oxidative phosphorylation.

Where cytochrome c oxidase is inhibited, healthy cells can turn cancerous.

It has been suggested that a defect in cytochrome c oxidase expression induces a metabolic shift to glycolysis and carcinogenesis which people are more familiar with.

University of Pennsylvania Study

The study into the potential disaster of inhibiting cytochrome c oxidase activity in certain environments promotes cells to produce a free radical in nitric oxide.

The problem occurs when nitric oxide binds to cytochrome c oxidase. It literally turns it off. The result is a defect to metabolism and the potential to become cancerous.

Conditions to Prevent

Environments that can create unwanted processes to occur include, UVB radiation, endotoxins, cyanide presence, carbon monoxide, aluminium phosphide, X-ray radiation and more.

Therefore by protecting our cells through diet, light therapy and life style could increase our ability to protect cells.
Red light and near infrared old save a life

Both red and near-infrared light through clinical study have shown the ability to unbind nitric oxide from cytochrome c oxidase enzyme by photo dissociate restoring regular function.

Cytochrome c oxidase absorbs light. Specifically red and near-infrared light, amazingly regulates activity and charges cells in the process.


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